Thursday, June 6, 2013

Endometriosis Update

Hello, everyone!

So, alongside my herbal remedy, I've been trying out a basically vegan (excluding free-range eggs, wild caught salmon, shrimp, and crab), no-wheat diet. I was already a vegetarian that never drank milk (bad gag reflex), so the "vegan" part was less difficult than I thought it would be. I'm still struggling with the no-wheat aspect of it - that generally means no cakes, etc. as wheat is a component of the flour.

But what a difference it has made to my endometriosis! A few days ago, I started my period (after a full month of not having my period). And I had - not much pain at all. I had probably three hours of real discomfort, but I was fine enough to both tutor somebody and drive during that time. After that, I had some very, very minor twinging that I ignored by studying (I'm taking a class this summer at a local university). Nothing in comparison to crying and screaming for Vicodin or morphine or something to just stop. For the first time since I was 16, no desire for an immediate hysterectomy. I was pleasantly surprised.

I am guessing that part of this is the herbal remedy, but I'm sure that the new diet also contributed to my lack of pain this month.

Even though the no-wheat part of the diet really can be a pain, this new diet is definitely worth it. Thankfully, it's fairly easy for me to follow as my cultural diet pretty much follows "no wheat and lots of vegetables." However, if you are an endometriosis sufferer and are thinking of trying this out but have no place to start, feel free to e-mail me at and I can send you some recipes of the things I eat on a daily basis.

Thank you so much for reading, and good luck in your own struggles with this horrible disease if you are unfortunate enough to have it!

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