Thursday, May 30, 2013

Eight Hour Diet - Week One

Hello, everyone! So, I've switched myself off the green bean coffee extract as I believe it is a bit of a snake oil, and I've decided to do the eight hour diet instead.

You probably wouldn't know it based on the random fad diets I've been trying, but I'm usually pretty good about avoiding marketing hype, and I definitely learned my lesson the green bean coffee extract. However, the eight hour diet was something that I did in high school unknowingly. I didn't have time to eat breakfast, I was embarrassed to eat in front of friends so I naturally didn't have lunch. So, when I got home around 5 PM, I'd eat like three meals between then and about midnight. That's seven hours. I stayed a trim during my first three years of high school, and I gained about 5 pounds when my mother harangued me about not eating breakfast and that seven hour window crept to, like.... 16 hours, although I didn't make that connection at the time.

So, week one on this diet - I've lost five pounds. Not joking. It does suck feeling hungry, I'm not going to lie.  Water does usually solve that problem, though, or exercise. And I can tell already that my stomach has shrunk A LOT. I have exercised as much as I usually do. I've eaten as well as I normally do - rice, curry, etc. I did eat a few slices of pizza about this time last week, but I still lost a pound that day, so I'm not complaining.

I did check, and I have lost all body fat, no muscle. And I can definitely tell on my body that I've lost a lot of fat. My waist has shrunk - unfortunately, I didn't bother to measure my waist when it started, so I can't give you numbers, but it is a noticeable difference.

I will weigh in again next week and let you know if this trend continues. I will be completely psyched if I lose all this excess weight in the span of a month or two.

On the green bean coffee extract diet, I actually gained some weight after my initial five pounds off. So... I am at 7 pounds down, 23 more to go!

Thank you for reading!

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