Sunday, May 5, 2013

Tropic Skin Care - Lip Love Balm

Hello, everyone!

I already did a post on Tropic Skin Care's amazing and fabulous cleanser, and there, I mentioned that I had bought two more bottles of cleanser on eBay. I bought one cleanser independent of any other item, but with the second cleanser came the Skin Revive Firming Nourishing Cream, the Vitamin Toner, and the Lip Love Balm and as a result cost a lot more. To be honest, I wasn't too crazy about spending more than I had to, but I figured that I'd never get the cleanser that cheaply ever again and that I might like the other products as well.

Up to now, I haven't really used the cream or the toner all that much. However, I have used the Lip Love Balm. And it is lovely.

It retails for £5. That's $7.78 (USD) - in my opinion, a heck of a lot for a 10 mL pot of lip balm. So, when I received the package about two weeks ago, I chucked the lip balm along with everything else in that package into my skincare box in my bathroom. I wasn't expecting amazing things from the lip balm - I mean, honestly, lip balm is lip balm, right? They all perform about the same - or so I thought.

Normally, I use Vaseline on my lips because it's very easy and cheap (and, I might add, a big pot costs about $3 at most). However, I had become a bit on the lazy side about putting on Vaseline for about a week, so my lips had gotten a bit more chapped than usual. I decided that, as I had it, I might as well try the Tropic Skin Care balm that I had gotten.

Within the first few hours, my lips had gotten a LOT softer - not unchapped, but they had become a lot softer, and when I rubbed my lips together, some of the excess skin came away very easily. I was quite impressed. Then I put it for two more days (one application per day). On the end of the second day, my lips were completely back to normal. COMPLETELY back to normal, and actually, they were softer than than usually were. By this time, I was EXTREMELY impressed. Three applications took my lips from quite chapped to wonderfully smooth? WOW!

This product has forced me to come to the conclusion that not all lip balms are the same - it was an absolute revelation, I can assure you, because I had tried a LOT of lip balms before deciding to just stick with Vaseline.

Although I'd love to use it every day, the balm is still rather expensive in my eyes, and it is very difficult for me to get. So, I've decided to only use this product when I really need it - when my lips really need help because they are chapped due to my laziness. Vaseline is still great at maintaining what the Lip Love Balm has done (I've tried this for the past week, and my lips have maintained that smoothness), but it doesn't do lip repair-work quite as well or as fast as this balm.

So, if you can get hold of it or if you live in the UK, go get the Lip Love Balm! It's really, really nice. Yes, it is £5, which is a lot for a lip balm, but it is definitely, definitely worth it (especially if you earn in sterling pounds and not the USD!).

I am not being paid by Tropic Skin Care to write this review - I bought the product with my own money, and these are my own pure, honest thoughts.

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