Sunday, April 21, 2013

Tropic Skin Care Smoothing Cleanser Review

Hello, everyone!

So, during the last semester, as I mentioned, I was sick quite a bit, and as my friends restrained me from doing homework a lot of the time, I didn't have all that much to do. So, I got into quite a few shows. In addition, following my entry into makeup, I started following two makeup channels - one, I'm never going to mention. I started to follow her when she was not very well known, and she was good then. However, even though she was the one that got me into makeup, I have since started to dislike her since she has gotten more subscribers - she has tried to turn herself into a celebrity, and the quality of her videos aren't nearly what they used to be. From her channel, though, I somehow got to following SORTED Food - check them out at They are AMAZING. Hilarious, yummy food - everything. Well, on their Facebook page, they said that Ben Ebbrell was going to make an appearance on the show Young Apprentice.

I'm not from the UK, so I couldn't watch the show on BBC iPlayer, but someone very kindly did upload to YouTube, so I watched the episode. And I really liked it! I watched the previous episode as well, then watched the entire series as it happened. Then I went back and watched the two previous series of Junior/Young Apprentice. And then, I watched The Apprentice UK - from Series 4-8. I tried to watch Series 3, but I couldn't stand most of the people on it.

From Series 7, I always really liked candidate Susan Ma and Tom Pellereau, the eventual winner. Susan was my favorite, though, and I was sad when she didn't win. She always knew what she was talking about, even if she was mostly ignored by everyone else, and she really seemed like a lovely, genuine person. And she kept talking about her skincare range. So, I looked her up online. Even though she didn't win the show, Lord Sugar did eventually invest in her company - good choice! So I looked into her products - her range is called Tropic Skin Care, which you can find at - and I decided to try the Smoothing Cleanser. I bought it on eBay because the international shipping price is horrendous on the actual website.

This is my first ever high-end cleanser. Prior to this, I had been using the very popular St. Ives one on the recommendation of a college dorm-mate back when I had just gotten into makeup and had learned/realized that this thing called a cleanser existed and that I needed one. However, I was starting to get very concerned that it wasn't good for my skin because of the harsh abrasion. So, this cleanser was a treat. It smells of lemongrass - lovely scent - goes on silky smooth, and takes off everything. Absolutely everything - as long as you massage it well into your skin. The bamboo cleanser that comes with it is perfect for gentle exfoliation. And your skin feels so refreshed afterwards - I can't even describe it. I love the feeling of being completely clean because, to me at least, it is just so refreshing. Ever since then - I've been using it for about a month - I haven't had any blackheads, and my breakouts are not nearly as frequent as they used to be. I highly recommend this to everybody. It is a very luxurious product, and it is on the expensive side, but my gosh, is it worth it. I actually was so impressed that I bought two more of these, and they are on my shelf, waiting for the current bottle to be finished. I use the cleanser both in the morning, when I shower, and, if I wear makeup, to take my makeup off and cleanse my skin afterward at night. If I don't wear makeup, I don't cleanse twice a day. I probably should, but I'm far too lazy.

I also haven't had any facial skin problems since. My face skin is ridiculously sensitive, and I think it is because my parents are from a tropical country, so my skin is used to that climate and the associated fruits and vegetables there. It's not used to pears, apples, etc. - it's used to papaya, mango, pomegranate, kiwi, wood apple, and a hundred other things. My face is always fine in tropical climates, but it's terrible here. However, this cleanser made my face skin normal again - and I think it is because of all the tropical ingredients in it that my skin should be having. So - I think this has become my cleanser. Unfortunately, before I ordered this cleanser, I also ordered the very popular - and similar - Liz Earle Cleanse and Polish cleanser, also from eBay. I'm going to give that one a shot after my current bottle of Tropic Skin Care Cleaner is out.

Pre-Clarisonic, I used one pump of cleanser all over my face to get rid of makeup by really massaging it into my face for a long time. I rinsed it off with hot water and cotton pads. And then to actually clean my face, I made sure my face was wet and then used one to two pumps - depending on the day - again, taking care to really massage it into my face. I take my cleansing routine from how Lisa Eldridge does hers - she is the other makeup artist I follow on YouTube, and I trust her advice 100% because she is a very well known and very well renowned makeup artist outside of YouTube. She just shares tips via YouTube for fun, not as a job - and thank goodness she does. I have learned so much from her. Check her out at, and you can search for her cleansing routine there if you're interested.

Just as a disclaimer - Tropic Skin Care did not pay me to write this review. I bought the cleanser from my own money. These are my honest thoughts.

I hope this was informative, and thank you for reading!

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