Thursday, April 25, 2013

Green Bean Coffee Extract Trial - Week One

Hi, everyone! This is my green bean coffee extract trial update for my first week on it.

So, I have to say that I wasn't quite as vigilant about exercising this week as usual. I had my period, which meant a lot of bending over and ice packs. Not fun. I did exercise on Thursday, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, and I will be going to the pool later today. Better than nothing.

I also have to say that my exercise on Tuesday and Wednesday consisted of walking for about an hour and fifteen minutes instead of my usual pool exercises. This is because I was feeling a bit bloated. I do believe that this was due to the green bean coffee extract.

So, the plus side - I'm pretty sure I've lost about five pounds. In one week. Pretty incredible. This is based on the scale at the pool I go to which is about seven pounds heavier than my scale at home - I'm really trying to be brutally honest with myself. I did find that I had a lot more energy, and this is probably due to the caffeine. I didn't get tired as easily when I exercised, which enabled me to go longer. The extract definitely makes you drink more water, I noticed - I was drinking a LOT of water, maybe a glass, or even two at some times, an hour. That huge ton of water plus the feeling of fullness that just the pill gave me did suppress my appetite, which isn't a bad thing. I have a humongous appetite, which was built into me by my parents and which I really started regretting about last year. Therefore, I'm really glad that I'm no longer eating huge, huge meals.

The downsides - as I mentioned, my stomach hasn't been all that happy. I've felt bloated, my stools are a lot looser than usual, and I'm having to go to the bathroom a lot more frequently. The stools loosening up may be because I am drinking a lot more water, but I think the bloatedness does come from the extract. I hope this lessens up this week - it's not very pleasant.

I also have to say that I didn't feel the need for sweets as much. I adore chocolate - it's a huge weakness of mine - and I usually go through about one Cadbury bar a week (or more...). But I didn't eat any chocolate at all this week. I didn't need it or even want it. I didn't eat any other candy, either - for some reason, the thought of sugar just repulsed me. That has never happened to me before, so I'm quite happy about that. I didn't change anything else about my diet this week, but remember - I eat healthy already.

So, to conclude - I think that the chlorogenic acid in the extract itself so far has been working for me. Nobody drops five pounds in one week, ever. However, in the very shoddy studies they did on the extract, the subjects tended to lose about two pounds a week. Therefore, I have to conclude that the side effects of the extract - eating less and the drinking more - also had a huge effect on my weight loss. I'm going to continue to take this and see how the weeks go by, and I will definitely keep you posted.

I initially took two pills a day, but I then decided to reduce that to one pill a day. I think that that is more than enough. I don't particularly want to repurchase this extract - I want to be done with my the majority of my weight loss in two months with it.

So, 5 down, 25 more to go!!

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