Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Green Bean Coffee Extract Trial - Start

Hi, everyone!

So, about a week ago, I stepped on the scale. I am on a mission to get back to my normal weight, which is about 25 pounds less than what I weigh currently. However, when I looked down at the scale, I almost cried - I had gained ten pounds in one week! Ten pounds!

I was feeling absolutely and completely hopeless, so I went online to do some research on weight loss techniques. I found this green bean coffee extract thing. It is supposed to kick your liver to metabolize fat faster. To be honest, the research looked pretty shoddy to me - the focus group consisted of only sixteen people, it wasn't done over a long period of time, etc. However, I was so desperate that I decided to try it.

According to people for whom this actually worked, they said to make sure that the extract you were buying had at least 45% chlorogenic acid or svetol with no fillers or binders. I found a thing on Amazon that seemed to match this description fairly well, so in my fit of desperation, I bought it.

I have since learned that that horrible weight gain incident was due to my scale getting stuck - at least, that is what I presume, because two hours later, I had somehow dropped eleven pounds. But I had already ordered the thing, and I figure that I may as well give it a shot. It can't hurt - it is a natural product with absolutely nothing else besides the extract. That is the only reason I decided to try it in the first place - at the least, it didn't look harmful, and it wasn't promising a dramatic weight drop - just two pounds a week. I also don't drink any caffeine at all - I drink hot water. That's literally it. No tea, no coffee, no soda - just hot water - so the tiny bit of caffeine in it shouldn't be a problem.

Just for people's information - I do exercise quite a bit. I either swim rigorously for, at this point, almost an hour every day (more information on my exercise habits later), or I go for a a rigorous, hour-long walk during my time of the month. In other words, I am going to do this trial in conjunction with exercise and along with my regular, fairly healthy diet. People think I am making this up when I say this, but a typical lunch for me is brown rice, three vegetable curries, and a fish dish. Dinner tends to be vegetable rice or vegetables in cous-cous. I eat cereal or some hard-boiled eggs in the morning. I eat a lot of fruit in the summer, but I have a really hard time eating apples, pears, and oranges. I am more of a berries, peaches, nectarines, and plums kind of person. If I can find a decent mango around now, I will eat it, but they are hard to find. Believe it or not, I really do enjoy my food - probably because this is all I have really eaten since I was two or three. I do have to say, though, that I am really bad about eating chocolate, although I've scaled back on that quite a bit lately. I do have the occasional pizza or salty/oily Chinese food, but I do try to limit how much of the more greasy and oily foods I eat.

I am not getting paid by the maker of this company to do this review - these are purely my own observations, and I hope I help those that are considering giving this green bean coffee extract thing a run/aid people in deciding whether or not it is a hoax. However, as with all herbal things, I am guessing that it will work for some and won't work for others, as I have read a lot of testimonials on how amazing it is and a lot on how it is all a hoax. Then again, whenever I read these things, I always wonder how many people have been paid to say what they do. Probably not the most fair thing to think, but with the amount of advertising/methods of advertising techniques out there these days, you never know.

So, this starts tomorrow. I think I will give weekly updates as to how this is going, so the next time I write about this will be April 25, 2013.

Again, thanks for reading!

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